Treatment of Allergies – Through Homeopathy!
Most people, at some point of time, have been affected with allergic reactions. An allergic is a hypersensitive reaction triggered by an Allergen (Substance that has the potential to trigger an allergic manifestation). Allergies can be Perennial or Seasonal. Perennial allergies are not season specific and can occur throughout the year.
Seasonal allergies, on the other hand, are season specific, for example, Hay fever (triggered by pollens) is a common allergic reaction during the spring season.

A number of substances can act as a potential allergen, triggering a hypersensitive reaction in a person. The allergens can be
1. Environmental factors, such as pollen, dust mites, sunlight, fur of some animals, or mold
2. Certain foodstuffs like milk and dairy products, peanuts, wheat, soy, tomatoes, eggplant, alcohol or shellfish.
3. Synthetic and natural substances like pesticides, nickel, latex
4. Certain medications like sulfa drugs, penicillin
5. Animal stings; mostly wasps and bees, can also trigger an allergic reaction.
The allergic reactions affecting a person can vary depending on the source of the allergen. It can be a skin allergy, nasal and cough allergy, food allergy or a dust allergy. The best way to treat an allergic reaction is to identify the allergen involved. Homeopathic treatments are very effective against allergic reactions. Though time consuming; homeopathic treatment provides long lasting and permanent relief. In addition, the homeopathic medicines have no harmful side effects. No wonder, more and more people are going for homeopathic treatments.
The following homeopathic medicines, if taken regularly, can successfully treat a number of allergic reactions:
1. Arsenic Album: Many people suffer from watery eyes, continuous sneezing, running nose accompanied by a burning sensation. These all are signs of a nasal allergy. Arsenic Album is an effective homeopathic option against nasal allergy.
2. Sulphur: It provides great relief from skin allergies. Sulphur is a boon for people suffering from very dry and itchy skin.
3. Natrum Muriaticum: It is an effective homeopathic (Natural) medicine against nasal and skin allergies.
4. Pulsatilla Nig, Natrum Carb and Aethusa Cynapium: These homeopathic medicines act as a blessing for people suffering from milk allergy.
5. Urtica Urens: If you are allergic to shellfish, Urtica Urens is just for you.
6. Bromium and Lycopersicum: They are very effective against dust allergies. Arsenic Album is also an excellent option.
7.Sabadilla: Symptoms for this remedy include an itchy nose; violent, debilitating sneezing; runny eyes that become worse in cold outdoor air and from flower pollen; symptoms are better from warm drinks and warm rooms.
8. Wyethia: This remedy is indicated when you experience extreme itching in the throat and palate that can extend to the ears; or a sore throat with hoarseness.
There are people who are allergic to certain hair dyes. Arsenic Album and Sulphur effectively deals with such allergies. Natrum Mur and Sepia cannot be neglected either. Do not allow allergies to make your life miserable. Switch over to the homeopathic treatments and enjoy a stress free life, sans the allergies.
Homeopathic Remedies For Headache!
Homeopathy as a branch of medicine has evolved drastically over the years. Unlike others, homeopathy’s greatest advantage is its complete lack of side effects and its ability to treat a myriad of diseases and ailments. One of the most common causes of concern for most people is a nagging perpetual headache. Over the years, homeopathy has developed various medicines to confront and treat different kinds of headaches.

Some of the different kinds of headaches and homeopathic remedies associated with them are:
1. Throbbing and excruciating pain in the head: In case you are suffering from constant throbbing (or excruciating) pain with the agony occurring mostly in the front and right side of the head, Belladona is the most trusted medicine you must go for. Belladona works wonders in treating shooting pains that mostly aggravate through the course of the day. One of the most important advantages of Belladona is its ability to relieve you of the pain for a long time, with very less chance of any recurrence.
2. Headache as a result of hangover or problems in digestion: Consumption of excessive alcohol or problems in digestion and constipation also contribute to a throbbing headache located mostly over one of the eyes. In such a scenario, the homeopathic medicine called Nux Vomica is extremely effective. This treats the headache emerging from the host of issues and also alleviates the lingering sensation of nausea and giddiness that are often accompanied with the pain.
3. Severe headaches that result in vomiting: Sometimes, the pain may be located on the top of the head with its severity increasing with the advancement of the day. In case you are suffering from such a headache, chances are vomiting may follow as a result of the intensity. In such a situation, a medicine called Sanguinaria should be administered. The medicine works best if you lie down after having it.
4. Headache emerging from partial blindness: Headaches and vision are inextricably related. Therefore, in case you are suffering from partial blindness or any other visual disorder, chances are that a severe headache will soon follow suit. In such a situation, you could also suffer from nausea and tendencies of vomiting. The homeopathic medicine called Iris is extremely beneficial in reducing the intensity of such headaches. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Homeopath.
Treat Acne with Homeopathic Remedies!
Homeopathy is a branch of medicine that focuses on improving the body’s healing mechanism to treat the cause of the disease. Acne is a skin condition that results in pimples on the face or other areas of the body. Homeopathic treatments are based on the premise of removing the cause of the disease rather than just curing the symptoms.
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed after a thorough analysis of your medical history, emotional and physical constitution. All Homeopathic medicines are based on achieving potency of the substance, which is done by diluting it with water and alcohol. In case of acne, this treatment controls the secretion of oil by the skin, removes acne related scars and eliminates underlying conditions such as hormonal imbalance that causes acne.

Various Homeopathic remedies to treat acne are:
1. Sanguinaria: It is a very effective remedy for treating acne in women who have problems in their periods. It is also used in acne treatment in women who suffer from sexual problems.
2. Silica: This treatment enhances the immune system of the body so that acne formation in the body is reduced. This is a common treatment for people who have recurrent bouts of acne.
3. Calcariasulphuricum: This treatment is recommended for people who regularly have large pimples filled with pus. The person tends to be easily affected by heat.
4. Dulcamara: It is used in treating acne as well as scars left by acne. It is usually recommended for acne that occurs due to climate changes.
5. Natrum Muriaticum: This treatment is made from common salt and is used to treat acne that results from menstrual irregularities and other hormonal disturbances. It is also used for treating oily skin and other rashes which result from it.
6. Arctium lappa: It is a Homeopathic remedy for treating symptoms of acne and its scars.
7. Kali Brom
8. Asterias Rubens
9. Pulsatilla Nig.
Women‘s Infertility - Homeopathic Remedies For It!
For a married couple, having a child is the next step towards completing the family picture. However, for various reasons, some attributed to the male and some to the female, this picture remains incomplete.
Talking to a doctor is one of the best starting points. There could be deep rooted causes for this issue and homeopathy aims at treating the root cause and not just infertility. A good homeopath will ask you numerous questions to find out associated symptoms, family history, etc. and then arrive at a remedy that would work best for you. This is a highly customised therapy and so self-medication based on a friend or family member’s recommendation is best avoided.

Infertility in females is often caused by the following reasons:
1. Irregular menstruation
2. Hormonal imbalance
3. Advancing age
4. Emotional stress
5. Obesity
6. Excessive smoking
7. Alcohol consumption
8. Sexually transmitted diseases (Chlamydia, gonorrhoea)
9. Structural abnormalities in the pelvic area including fibroids, pelvic adhesions, blocked fallopian tubes, etc.
10. Endometriosis
11. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
12. Pelvic Inflammatory disease
13. Thyroid disorders
14. Diabetes
With more and more women coming out in the open to discuss, researchers have started working towards identifying the problem and working towards the treatment. The success rate of homeopathy in treating infertility is also on the rise. As with any medical condition, homeopathy treats not just the problem or symptom at hand, but the person holistically
Read on to know some of the common homeopathic remedies, but make sure you have a detailed discussion with your doctor to identify what would work best for you. Self-medication is best avoided.
1. In women with reduced sexual drive, Agnus and Sepia are widely used. The vaginal is extremely dry which could be painful during sex. There is also a bearing down sensation of the uterus in these women.
2. In women with reduced menstruation, Pulsatilla and Sepia are widely used. The periods are never on the expected date, and when they occur, the flow is quite scanty and suppressed. Pulsatilla is also used when ovarian cysts are present. Sepia is useful in women that are prone to miscarriages.
3. In women with excessive menstruation, Calcarea and Aletris are widely used. The periods happen before time, is too long with profuse bleeding. This excessive bleeding also causes anaemia, weakness, and fatigue. These women might also have frequent abortions.
4. In women who have experienced a miscarriage in their third month earlier, with uterine and ovarian inflammation, Sabina is used.
5. In women who are not able to retain sperms, Natrum carb is useful. There could be an offensive smelling vaginal discharge which is also very irritating and itching.
These are just some of the common remedies, but there are more, and each patient would require different therapy based on associated symptoms. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a homeopath.
Homeopathic Treatment of Hair Fall
Nowadays, hair fall and thinning are conditions that most people face and are tired of trying new treatments to fix them. There are numerous treatments, but most have been proven to have certain adverse effects. Homeopathy, on the other hand, is an alternative medicine category, which uses not so strong chemicals or drugs, but slowly and steadily treats body ailments.
Causes of hair fall
1. Genetics
2. Various skin diseases that affect the scalp. For example, fungal infections known as tinea capitis, seborrhoea, lichen planus, eczema
3. Various hormonal changes
4. Nutritional deficiency, especially lack of iron in diet
5. Various drugs that are taken for treatment of joint pains, high blood pressure, depression or cancer
6. Diseases like tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, AIDS, hypothyroidism etc.
7. Hairstyles of individuals, especially those who fall prey to the latest trends in styling. For example, tight pony tails or braids, indiscriminate usage of heat and colour to the hair.

Homeopathic treatment to prevent hair loss Before any homeopathic medicine is prescribed to individuals, a detail of their case history is required to be studied. Here is a list of homeopathic medicines which help in controlling and preventing hair fall.
1. The various skin diseases on the scalp can be a major reason for hair fall. This may occur due to extreme itching or numerous acrid discharges from the lesions that have occurred. Homeopathic medicines like Psorinum are used to treat hair loss caused due to discharge from skin lesions. Another medicine is Mercurius Solubilis; this also helps in relieving the scalp from the lesions and discharges.
2. In case of hair loss due to excess dandruff, Thuja occidentalis and Kali suphuricum are the medicines that can be used.
3. In case of hair loss due to childbirth or menopause, Natrum muriaticum and Pulsatilla pratensis can be excellent medicines for effective treatment. Another treatment can be Sepia officinalis.
4. The hair fall caused by anaemia can be treated by using Borax, Cinchona officinalis and Calcarea phorphorica.
5. For alopecia, phophorus, calcarea, fluoricum acidum, vinca minor, carbonica are used.
6. In order to fight baldness, medicines like Silicea, Sulphur, Baryta carbonica, Lycopodium clavatum can be prescribed.